
Friday, March 1, 2013

50 Devanagari Script Illustrations

Recently I have made a set of Madhubani cards for the Devanagari poster that I am making. Making small deawings in Madhubani style can serve as a great way to practice drawing different things and composing a small piece of paper. All paintings are about 3x3 inch on the handmade paper using black marker and acrylic paint (meant to paint on fabric). Here they are they one by one with the translation from Hindi.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: you can copy and use it but not sell!

1. POMEGRANATE (अनार-anaar)


2. MANGO (आम-aam)


3. TAMARIND (इमली-imlee)


4. SUGAR CANE (ईख - eekh)


5. OWL (उल्लू - ulloo)


6. WOOL (ऊन - oon)


7. SAGE (ऋषि - RiShi)


8. HEEL (एड़ी - eDee)


9. SPECS (ऐनक - enak)


10. MORTAR (ओखली - okhlee)


11. WOMAN (औरत - aurat)


12. GRAPES (अंगूर - angoor)


13. 'EMPTY AH' SOUND (khalee ah)


14. PIGEON (कबूतर - kabootar)


15. RABBIT (खरगोश - khargosh)


16. FLOWERPOT (गमला - gamlaa)


17. WATCH (घड़ी - ghaDee)


18. 'EMPTY D' SOUND (khaalee D)


19. MAT (चटाई - chaTaee)


20. UMBRELLA (छतरी - chhatree)


21. JUG (जग - jag)


22. FLAG (झंडा - jhanDaa)


23. 'EMPTY YA SOUND' (khaalee ya)


24. TOMATO (टमाटर  - TamaaTar)


25. TINKER (ठठेरा - ThaTheraa)


26. DRUM (डमरू - drum)


27. LID (ढक्कन - dhakkan)


28. ARROW (बाण - baaN)


29. TABLA (तबला - tablaa)


30. UDDER (थन  - than)


31. DOOR (दात्वाजा - darvaajaa)


32. BOW (धनुष - dhanuSh)


33. NOSE (नाक - naak)


34. KITE (पतंग - patang)


35. FRUITS (फल - phal)


36. BUS (बस -bas)


37. BEAR (भालू - bhaaloo)


38. FISH (मछली - fish)


39. SACRIFICE (यज्ञ - yagya)


40. CHARIOT (रथ - rath)


41. PEG TOP (लट्टू - laTTu)


42. FOREST (वन - van)


43. BEETS (शलगम - shalgam)


44. HEXAGON (ShatkoN)


45. APPLE (सेब - seb)


46. DEER (हिरन - hiran)


47. WARRIOR (क्षत्रिय - kshatriya)


48. TRIDENT (त्रिशूल - trishool)


49. WISE-MAN (ज्ञानी - gyaanee)


50. SAINT OF JAIN RELIGION (श्रमण - shraman)



  1. You are very talented

  2. A big big big Thank You for an amazing collection!! Im going to use these images to teach my kid Hindi varnamala!!!

  3. Yey, you're welcome! That's a big honor actually. Best of luck with teaching varnmala!

  4. Put it all together and get a book published for kids.Totally inspiring blog and paintings yours are! Bravo!

  5. Hi, Found your blog while searching for folk art of India. Loved it and immediately bookmarked your blog. beautiful work. All the best.
